The Western Cape Department of Education is urging parents of unplaced learners to visit nearby education offices, not schools.
“Any parents who have not yet applied for a place for their child must contact their Education District Office immediately. They must not queue up outside schools with the expectation of being accepted to their school of choice. Our schools are full, and while they may be able to assist with completing applications, the district office will assist with placement centrally,” he said.
According to the department, as of Saturday 14 January 2023, they already have managed to place 99.2% of grade 1-8 placement requests.
“We have resolved 117 844, or 99.2%, of Grade 1 and Grade 8 placement requests for the 2023 school year, and are in the process of placing 955, or 0.8%, of the Grade 1 and Grade 8 learners for the 2023 school year,” said MEC of Education David Maynier.
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He said parents of unplaced learners must go to the offices near them for assistance.
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Maynier said the department is under pressure as more learners outside Western Cape are applying for place to study.
“Over the past 7 years, on average, 21 000 learners from outside the Western Cape have been registered in our province for the first time each year. Schools are full, and we are going to struggle to place additional learners for whom extremely late applications are received,” he said.