Watch: Man begs angry taxi driver for mercy in road rage

road rage
Taxi driver smashed a motorist's windows during road rage incident in Bellville.

A video of a man begging a taxi driver for mercy has gone viral with many people accusing the taximan of being a bully.

The angry taxi driver is fuming asking the man why he didn’t stop. At first, the man is standing his ground arguing that he did nothing wrong.

It was until the taxi driver took out a gun and smashed the windows of the man’s car that he began pleading for mercy.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” the man said.

The taxi driver continued screaming at him brandishing his gun and smashing the windows of the VW Beetle car.

The incident happened in Eversdal on De Bron road in Bellville in Cape Town on Monday 23 January.

The man who drove his car and parked it took a video that showed that his vehicle windows had been shattered.