Residents from Island informal settlement in Makhaza, Khayelitsha in Cape Town have demolished a house of a woman whose brother is accused of raping women in the area. The alleged rapist only identified as Simphiwe (Simpra) is accused of terrorising women in Island and Emsindweni area.
Firstly, Simphira raped a woman in January, and he was arrested. He was however released on bail and was supposed to be living kwaLanga according to bail conditions. He however returned to the area since he was working for Sanitec, cleaning toilets in Island area. Residents said when Simpra was raped in January, her sister who is identified as Makoti chased him away.
He however returned and on Friday 17 May, he allegedly attempted to rape a woman but luckily her boyfriend was nearby. He managed to quickly jump in and beat up Simpra. Abahlali came out in their numbers and moered Simpra even more, leaving him seriously injured. He is currently hospitalised. Angry residents said Simpra keeps on tormenting them merely because he has an excuse to come to their kasi because of his sister Makoti.
“If it was not for Makoti, Simpra wouldn’t be here. If we chase the sister then we won’t have a problem with Simpra. Therefore Makoti must leave,” said residents. On Monday 21 May over 100 residents marched to Makoti’s house and gave her 24 hours to leave. They said Makoti who is also a member of the Committee Yekuhlala is the one who came up with the rule that if a person hurts the community he or she must be sent packing.
“Her rule is eating her today. She is a very active member of the community. We demolished a shack for another rapist and she was in front but today she doesn’t want to leave,” said another community leader.
Makoti told Ezitshisayo that the process was unfair to her because she was not the rapist. “I chased my brother away after the first incident. He came here to visit but he doesn’t stay here,” she said.
Makoti said she didn’t have any “ncanca and andizumi”.
She tried to apologise to residents but no one was willing to forgive her for what her brother did.
WATCH: https://youtu.be/xhh06l1wGUw?si=v1EzuEwOuRbo4w2c