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HomeNewsShack went up in flames after loadshedding

Shack went up in flames after loadshedding

Nomaphelo Maxama recieved a call that her shack was on fire while on her way home from work. The incident happened on 04 December around 6pm.

Her biggest worry was that her son who likes sleeping when there is load-shedding was not inside the shack.

Maxama (38) said when she asked her neighbours whether her children were safe, the answer she got made her even more worried.

“They said my son had gone to Langa. The other one was at her father’s place. That got me worried because I don’t know that my child has a friend in Langa. I also don’t have a family there either. I was worried that he could have died in the fire and the neighbours don’t want to tell me while I’m still away. I’m glad my kids are safe, I can replace everything else but not my children,” said Maxama.

According to residents, Maxama’s child was preparing food before load-shedding but when the electricity left, he could have forgotten and left the stove switched on. When electricity came, the stove could have caused the fire.

“I was not here but it is alleged that my son was preparing food before load shedding. I think when the electricity left while he was still cooking, he forgot and left the stove on. When electricity came back, the fire then started from that stove,” she said.

Resident Buyelwa Manatha(27) said the flames from Maxama’s shack also destroyed her property. “All the stuff in my dining room was destroyed and I also have to start afresh. I’m grateful to the residents who quickly stopped the fire, otherwise, it could have caused a huge amount of damage,” she said.



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