A Cape Town mother was heartbroken after her child died in a freak accident on Tuesday evening.
The girl (8) was coming from a school in Elsies River when the scholar transport stopped in Delft. She went outside to relieve herself but she was knocked by another bus and died.
Witnesses said the girl went to the toilet with her friend. On her way back to the busy she was tripped by her friend and fell on the ground while the bus was approaching. The friend tried to stop the bus by lifting up her hands but it was too late. The bus was too close and it drove over the girl who was in her school uniform.
When Ezitshisayo arrived at the scene, the lady driver who was driving the bus was in tears. At first, she tried to resuscitate the kid but after she failed, she went back to the bus crying. It was heartbreaking to watch as the inconsolable mother of the child arrived at the scene crying.
Police spokesman Warrant Officer Joseph Swartbooi confirmed the incident. “The circumstances surrounding the incident you are referring to are under investigation. Delft Police attended a complaint on Tuesday 18 April 2023. Upon arrival at the scene in Dimlag Street in Delft, they found the body of an 8-year-old girl next to a bus. The victim was declared deceased on the scene by the medical personnel. Delft police registered a case of culpable homicide for further investigation,” he said.
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