Matric exam candidates find themselves in trouble after they were caught cheating in an exam. Since the exam started last week, 14 students have already been in trouble for attempting to sneak some notes on pieces of paper. Others even try to enter with phones.
David Maynier, MEC for Education in the Western Cape, said he was concerned about reports of learners having their mobile phones and crib notebooks stolen in the testing room. So far, the department has received 14 reports of students smuggling notes and phones. He said the common excuses received from students were that they “forgot” their phones or notes in their pockets.
He said the fact that these people were caught means that the plan to stop cheating is working. Those who have been caught, Maynier said further action will be taken against them.
He however said that all recorded incidents were investigated and that students would be given a hearing opportunity after the exam session so they could tell their side of the story. He also said that if candidates are disqualified, they can appeal negative findings.
Maynier added that the excuse that they forgot their phone or notes in their pockets while entering the exam room was not convincing. He said learners were made to sign a Declaration of Commitment committing not to cheat.
So far there have been reports of exam paper leaks across the state, but he urged learners to report any suspected leaks.
“This was also stipulated in the Declaration of Commitment. ensure that they have a fair chance on these exams and do nothing that compromises the integrity of the exams,” said Maynier.