‘EKSE MAMZO’: My son’s ‘killer’ greeted me

Man shot walking on the street in Mfuleni in November 2022. Murder Mfuleni Cape Town
Grandmother Nowelcome Mendu (67) mother Siziwe Mendu are devastated. Photos by Ezitshisayo

A Mfuleni family is hurt after their son was murdered Thursday last month on 17 November.
Their son Sinalo Mendu (20) he was walking to a nearby spaza shop around 10 pm.

This is after he had just came back from work. His family said suspects that the person who shot him knew him and the times he come back from work.

Sinalo’s mother Siziwe Mendu said their was a young man wearing a mask who greeted her while she was selling her amathumbu on the road. Siziwe said the man was wearing a cap and a mask.

“He said ‘ekse mamza, is Sinalo back’so I just said no. I didnt bother to look at him but he sounds disrespectful,” she said.

Siziwe said this happened around 2pm on the day her son was killed. Around 5pm, he saw the same guy walking on the street again. She suspects that the killer has been on the streets for more than six hours just to get her son.

His mother who is a vendor said a man wearing a mask went to her stall asking if her son was back from work. When she said no, the man walked down the street. She said to her shock, she saw the same man roaming on the streets more than three hours later.

Siziwe said her son had just got a job in July. Sinalo was helping her to take care of other young siblings since he was the first born.

On the day of his death, Sinalo came home around 10 pm despite that he normally comes early at 6 pm. He was walking with a female friend on Ziquamo Avenue towards a spaza shop on the street.

The killer was following them and when shot Sinalo at short range. He took his ID and wallet.

Sinalo’s uncle Bonga Mendu (40) suspects jealous friends. “Someone was saying the suspect used to be his friend. It could be that he is the only one who got a job amongst the crew he used to hang out with. It could be jealous friends we don’t know. We will leave police to do their job,” he said.

Cops spokesman Captain Frederick Van Wyk said a murder case docket was registered for investigation.

“According to reports the deceased was shot by an unknown suspect, he sustained two gunshot wounds. No arrest yet. The motive of the killing is unknown at this stage and the investigation is ongoing,” he said.

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