WATCH: SAPS arrest students ‘shoot that window there’

WATCH: SAPS arrest students 'shoot that window there'
Students who were arrested last night have been released.

South African Police Services(SAPS) arrested several students in Johannesburg CBD on Sunday night. The students have gathered ahead of the EFF’s organised shutdown but a group of cops rounded them up.

An officer is heard in the video shouting “Voetsek, shoot that window there, shot that window!” and a gunshot-like sound followed. Several students especially female students are seen manhandled by male officers forcing them into police vans.

The arrested students were released on Monday morning after the EFF intervened. EFF leadership is complaining that the students were peaceful but police arrested them for no reason.

“No business was looted, no violence has been committed by protestors in Braamfontein. The police are violating the right to protest in defence of Cyril Ramaphosa,” EFF said.

However, they have managed the red berets have managed to secure the release of the students earlier on Monday.
“All the students who were violently and illegally arrested by police in Braamfontein for peaceful protest are released. The cowards of SAPS who target young women will never win!” EFF posted on their Twitter account.

In Cape Town SAPS and City of Cape Town officers have managed to push back a group of people that were marching towards N2 in Nyanga area. SAPS threw stun grenades at a group of marchers in Woodstock forcing them to disperse.

ALSO READEFF shutdown: SABC’s crew attacked