City of Cape Town lifeguards at Strand Beach saved lives of three boys that nearly drowned at the beach on Friday 27 December. A group of six boys were playing at the beach when one of them was washed away by rip currents.
Two other boys tried to swim to rescue, but they also found themselves struggling in the water. The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) Beach Safety Camera operator Lezhae Snyders, monitoring the camera from the NSRI’s Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) at the time, spotted the struggling boy at 13:01 and immediately alerted the lifeguards at the Strand beach.
“At 13h04 on Friday, 27 December 2024, City of Cape Town Strand lifeguards rescued a 14-year-old boy and helped two of his friends who were caught in a rip current at Strand Beach. A group of six youngsters were wading in the surf zone outside the flags area when one was caught in a rip current and pulled away from the beach. Two of his friends then went to try and help him,” said NSRI spokesman Craig Lambinon.
Lifeguards Caydon Neuman and Jubilee van Jaarsveld, responded with Torpedo Buoys and CoCT Strand lifeguard Sthembela Khawula followed with a rescue board. Caydon and Jubilee reached the casualties at 13:04, three minutes after they had got into difficulty, floated them, and with the assistance of Sthembela.
“Together the three lifeguards helped the children return to the beach, preventing what could have been three fatal drownings. City of Cape Town Strand lifeguards and NSRI EOC are commended for this rescue,” said Lambinon.