A Cape Town police officer is in hot water after he allegedly raped a woman in police cells at the court on Tuesday 14 January 2024. The incident happened in the cells at the Blue Downs Magistrates Court after the 41-year-old woman had just appeared in court.
The woman who is awaiting trail while at Polsmoor was taken to the cells after her appearance so that she could be transported back to the prison. It is reported that she was taken to the cells by two cops, including Constable Naveron Jacobs (35).
When the other officer left, Jacobs allegedly used the opportunity and allegedly raped the woman in the holding cells at the court. The victim then reported the matter at arrival in Pollsmoor.
Jacobs appeared in Blue Downs Magistrates Court on Monday facing charges of rape of a remandee. He was remanded of custody and the case was postponed to 27 January.
This is the third incident of cops raping women in cells in a space of two months. Constable Siyanga Mbane (40) allegedly raped a woman at Mflueni police station. According to the state, Mbane booked out a suspect under the guise of asking her questions before taking her to an empty cell, where he allegedly raped her twice.
Another police officer raped a woman on Christmas Day in Malmelsbury SAPS. It is alleged that on 25 December, the officer went to the house of the victim and arrested and detained the woman. He later released her claiming that he had arrested her by mistake.