Fishermen who were fishing at Monwabisi beach had a shocking discovery after they saw a body of a dead man. They said the body was “raising” meaning it was already decomposing.
A fisherman went to relieve himself on the nearby bush and only to see a dead body.
“The body could have been dumped on Thursday or Wednesday because it was already decomposing,” said one fisherman. The body was naked at the top side but the person was wearing black trousers with grey shorts underneath and black takkies.
The unknown men’s body had marks that show that he could have been assaulted. The body also had a gun wound.
“It looks like this man was beaten up and shot then his body dumped at Monwabisi,” said another fisherman Frederick Bauer.
Khayelitsha resident Nomathemba Mbilimi said she was shocked that dead bodies are always dumped at the beach.
“This is not the first time, it has been going on several times. I have witnessed it and I don’t understand why killers chose this beach,” she said.
Police spokesman Sergeant Wesley Twigg confirmed that a body was found in Monwabisi beach area. He said the Macassar SAPS are investigating a case of murder.