EFF shutdown: SABC’s crew attacked

EFF shutdown: SABC's crew attacked
City of Cape Town officers together with SAPS have been all over the streets to stop EFF members from going onto the streets.

SABC crew that was covering shutdown was attacked on N2 near Nyanga in Cape Town earlier this morning. This is after a man who was standing in the darkness on the side of the road threw an object on the windscreen of the car that the crew was driving in.

The incident happened close to Borcherds Quarry off-ramp as they were driving towards Cape Town direction. Three people, journalists Athule Joka, Oratile Tlhoaele and cameraman Corbin August were inside the car. August said they kept on driving the car after the attack and stopped after they saw law enforcement officials patrolling along N2. Oratile was taken to the hospital for a check-up.

So far, the City of Cape Town Mayco member for Safety and Security JP Smith said the march have not disrupted anything. Smith said around 3 am there was a small group of protesters that gathered at Borcherds Quarry but Metro police and SAPS pushed them back into Nyanga.

In Woodstock, police dispersed +-100 protesters who were gathering on Main Rd Woodstock moving towards Mowbray around 4am.

Smith said on Sunday there were two failed attempts to petrol bomb MyCiti buses. “Several attempts at burning rubbish across roadways in Khayelitsha, also Hundle and Symphony. Upon arrival, debris was extinguished and removed, no sign of protesters,” said Smith.